2022/23 Treasurer’s Report
Submitted by Seth Fopma, Iowa DNR
Audited by Ben Dodd, Iowa DNR
The chapter started report period (2/4/2022) with a balance of $12,877.33 ($3,100.38 in the warm water account $9,776.95 available for AFS). Disbursements since the last financial report equaled $5,133.21 and receipts equaled $3,561.88.
The 2022 Midwest AFS meeting included a split auction, raffle and t-shirt sales with the Iowa Chapter of the Wildlife Society in addition to the traditional raffle split with the Iowa State Student Subunit. The 2022 meeting generated $2,888.85 for the fisheries side. The raffle proceeds equaled $1,240.62 and the split with ISU has not occurred to date. The annual business meeting had $1,1082.04 in expenses.
As for the other accounts that funnel through our account. The warm water account had no changes this year and ended with a balance of $3,100.38.
Other noteworthy expenditures included $1,150 in scholarships including Midwest awards (WTC, Duffy, Fenske Awards) and the annual student scholarship. The Chapter also paid out two Fish Grants (Bob Harris and Walker-Siepker) at a value of $1,000 each. The Chapter maintains its membership to the Iowa Conservation alliance with membership fees of $250 annually.
All account activity resulted in a balance of $12,106.00 on 2/6/2023. The Warm Water Account has $3,100.38; Mike Mason Memorial Fund has $0.00, resulting in an AFS available balance of $9,005.62.