Chapter Logo Contest

Now that our members have identified their preference for Iowa’s state fish, we are happy to announce the Iowa Chapter Logo Contest!

Many units of AFS have recently updated their logos, including both the North Central Division (NCD) and the overall Society (see below). The purpose of updating is to stay relevant to current and potential members and reflect priorities of the membership. For example, the NCD logo encompasses symbolism for both the U.S. and Canada, as well as highlighting major species of management interest. The AFS logo includes symbolism in both shape and color, as explained here.

Please consider incorporating the following concepts into a new logo design for the Iowa Chapter:

  • Iowa Darter
  • The American Fisheries Society logo
  • Elements important to Iowa’s fisheries research, management, and education


Sorry, there is one rule due to AFS branding.

You MUST incorporate the new AFS logo without manipulation, in either color or black and white. Avoid using the specific AFS colors in the rest of the design in order to avoid confusing the symbolism. (Kind of counter-intuitive.) All official AFS branding rules are here.


There is a prize for the winner! A $50 gift card and probably something else. Non-members are welcome to submit, and there is no limit to the number of submissions per person. Enter by completing the form below.